Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Burrr, today is a brisk one!  One thing good about a cold day, it's great for a mountian climb!  We went to the top of Black Bear mountian.  We took an initial detour to Ferd's bog which was very cool!  Saw my favorite of carnivorous plants, Sundews, and tasted the fruit on the wintergreen plant, the texture was like most berries, but left a minty fresh taste when you were finished, just like a tic-tac.  It was different than the other bog I visit regularly, Ferd's was totally moss covered, the other still looks like a pond.

On to the climbing!  Walking do
wn an old railroad bed, through the mud, over and under logs, sometimes areas so big you couldn't go over it, couldn't go under it, couldn't go around it, gotta go through it!  On and on it went, eventually we reached some large rocky areas we had to climb, well, almost climb.  Once to the top the view was breathtaking!  It was great to sit in the quiet, eat lunch and regain our strength.  While Karl was discussing what we should do with our orange peels, do we throw them over the side, or do we take them with us?  My lunch bag tipped over and what but an orange rolled down the steep slope side of the area where we were sitting and over the cliff at the edge.  Sad Day, I lost my orange, left trash but maybe a bear found it, is pealing it to eat it as I write. 

We ventured to the main view where we we saw yet another amazing view, more mountains and some civilization, where the first was more difficult to see the mountains and no civilization. Both had their obvious perks!  The trip ended with a trip for ice cream, I had a S'more Bears Sundae, so delicious I might have to invent it again!

Back at Antlers ready for a nap before the evening's activities!

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